Court of Appeals
Justice Angelene Mary Willkom Quimpo-Sale was appointed Associate Justice of the Court of Appeals in July 2019. Before such promotion, she was a judge for 17 years—12 years in the Regional Trial Court (RTC), Branch 106, Quezon City (QC) and 5 years in the Metropolitan Trial Court (MeTC), Branch 32,QC.
As a trial court judge, Justice Quimpo-Sale received from the Society for Judicial Excellence the prestigious Judicial Excellence Award twice— first, for Most Outstanding Judge for First-Level Courts in 2006 as then MeTC Judge and, second, the Chief Justice Cayetano Arellano Award for Most Outstanding Judge for Second-Level Courts in 2014 as RTC Judge. For this, the Quezon City Council issued Resolution No. SP-6249, S-2015 on March 9, 2015, expressly citing Judge Sale’s “exemplary performance as a magistrate with a passionate advocacy for women and children.” She likewise received from the Rotary Club of Metro Sta. Mesa, Quezon City the Most Outstanding Family Court Judge Award twice— for the years 2011 and 2014. Furthermore, she was recognized by the Delta Lambda Sigma Sorority of the University of the Philippines, as Outstanding Deltan Alumna, twice—in 2007 and 2017.
In the Philippine Judicial Academy (PhilJA), the training school of the Philippine Judiciary, she is a professorial lecturer and active trainer in its nationwide innovative programs for family court judges, public prosecutors, public attorneys, court social workers and other selected court personnel on topics such as Child Abuse, Trafficking in Persons, Online Sexual Exploitation of Children and Juvenile Justice. On juvenile justice, her paper entitled “Children in Conflict with the Law and Court Diversion Procedure: Restorative Justice in Action” was published in a four-part series in the PhilJA Bulletin in 2016 and the IBP Journal in 2015.
Justice Quimpo-Sale is a member of the Supreme Court Committee on Family Courts and Juvenile Concerns (CFCJC) that has the express mandate of fully implementing the Family Courts Act of 1997. To date, the Committee has successfully conducted four Family Court National Summits of which Justice Quimpo-Sale was a summit content program developer.
On the international front, Justice Quimpo-Sale is the Regular Representative for the Philippine Judiciary to the International Hague Network of Judges, HCCH since October 2018 up to present. She was also a presenter, panelist, session presider and participant in various international conferences on family, women and children, such as: The Hague Convention on Child Abduction-Philippines, Sixth Council for ASEAN Chief Justices (CACJ) Meeting, Supreme Court of Singapore (presenter); Exposure Visit for Select Family Court Judges to the Family, Domestic and Juvenile Courts in Honolulu, Chicago and Minneapolis, USA (participant); Learning Visit to the Family, Children and Magistrate’s Courts in Melbourne and the National Judicial College of Australia, Canberra (participant); UNICEF Regional Workshop on “Diversion and Other Alternative Measures for Children in Conflict with the Law,” Bangkok (presenter and panelist); UN WOMEN Workshop on Guidelines and Judging with a Gender Perspective, Bangkok, Thailand (session presider); Asia Pacific Symposium on the 1980 Hague Convention at Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (participant) and International Perspectives in Family Law Conference, Family Court of Australia, Coogee, New South Wales (presenter and panelist).